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Do you crave more out of life?

One thing we all have in common is the reality that each day is exactly the same length of time, 1440 minutes’ worth of time in fact. In terms of time available to us daily, we are all equal. Work, commuting, family-related, sleeping, eating, bathing, bathroom, grooming, and dressing take up approximately 1,200 minutes for most people -those satisfied with their lives and those less so.

Each day, that leaves about 240 minutes of free time. And it's what those who are satisfied with their lives do with those 240 minutes that sets them apart from the rest of us.

Those who are satisfied with their lives typically spend 60 minutes a day involved in the pursuit of a dream and the goals behind it. For example, investing time in a side hustle or spending time creating one or more with the aim of creating additional streams of income.

Strategy and skills required: goal setting, addressing limiting beliefs, building a business model, value proposition, understanding their target market, modelling others who have succeeded in similar arenas.

They also put in 60 minutes of deliberate practice or education every day. They created a daily habit of devoting time to learning more about that skill, their profession, or their industry as a daily habit.

Strategy and skills required: remaining connected to their "why," discipline to turn up to their daily studies, self-reliant, proactive in designing their learning schedule, willingness to delay gratification, self-efficacy, learning and implementing good study strategies.

Invest 30 minutes a day in aerobic exercise, in whatever capacity we are capable of. A healthy flow of oxygen around the body improves brain function and physical health.

Strategy and skills required: an understanding of basic physiology, addressing limiting beliefs and feelings about exercise, finding movement that you enjoy and works for your body, having the discipline to attend to movement even when not in the mood, understanding the mind/body connection, spending time with like-minded people.

Enjoying 30 minutes a day building rich relationships. No matter how independent or self-reliant you are, there is no getting around the fact that we are pack animals. Not only are we meant to belong to a pack, but no person ever truly succeeds without a great team of people walking alongside of them. This means taking the time to make the hello phone calls, attending to networking opportunities and then following up with the connections you make, acknowledging the life events that matter to others.

Strategy and skills required: developing your listening skills, learning how to start and manage conversations, knowing which are the appropriate networking events for you to attend, using systems to keep track of events and connections, modelling and adjusting your behaviour in response to any feedback you receive-directly or indirectly, practicing gratitude for the wonderful people in your life.

Those who are satisfied with their lives also commit to their needs for recreation and relaxation on a daily basis. The difference between them and the rest of us is that they limit their downtime to 60 minutes per day. Your level of life satisfaction is determined by how you spend your time each day. These developed daily habits allow you to make the most of your time. These daily habits have a cumulative effect that manifests itself in the form of increased satisfaction, financial security, and rewarding relationships as you progress through life.

Strategy and skills required: change your phone habits, limit your time on social media and in front of the TV, experiment with what renews you, be creative in how you spend your downtime-no deadlines or goals allowed, address limiting beliefs and old family habits around how much downtime you need.

We are what we consume. In our modern world, we are very often disconnected from where our food comes from, and consequently, it becomes easier to make poor food choices. The importance of a good diet is no secret; there is ample information available to us on this topic. It is up to us to value ourselves and our goals enough to apply the discipline and effort required to make the choice of a sustainable and nutrious diet.

It sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Apply these habits and beliefs to your life and watch the rewards roll in. There are loads of reasons why some of these behaviours may be difficult for you to implement in your life. And they don't have to make sense for them to have a powerful influence over your life.

Here's the thing: if you follow the same path, you will end up in the same place. If you no longer like where you keep ending up, then maybe it is time to engage the services of a coach or mentor to help you create new path choices in your life.

Call Lisa on 0449 912 157 or email to learn more.

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©2023 by Imaginal Coaching. Imaginal Coaching is proud to be a social enterprise and member of SASEC.

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