Language holds tremendous power. The words we choose to use can shape our perceptions, influence our interactions, and reveal our deeply held beliefs. In the realm of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), there is a presupposition that suggests we all possess the internal resources necessary for personal growth and transformation.
Our reactions to words can serve as a lens into our belief systems, guiding us towards self-awareness and understanding.
Recently, I had an enlightening conversation with a colleague who had just started working in the welfare space. They expressed their hesitation in using the word "client" to describe individuals accessing their services, as they believed it could be disempowering. This concern sparked my curiosity, and I began to reflect on the significance of words and how they shape our perceptions.
Consider the following scenario: We have a person, a 53-year-old woman, seeking assistance from an organization dedicated to helping those at risk of homelessness. What do you believe to be true about this person? Close your eyes for a moment and take a few deep breaths. Notice how your body responds to this story. What beliefs or judgments arise within you?
Now, let's shift gears and imagine the same person, 53F, introduced as a "client" of a prestigious stockbroking firm. What do you believe to be true about this person? Once again, take a moment to observe your body's response and notice any differences in your thoughts or feelings.
What becomes evident is that the person remains the same - a 53-year-old woman. The only variable that changes is the context of the services they are accessing. It raises an intriguing question: Is it truly the word "client" that is disempowering, or are our beliefs surrounding the nature of the services they are accessing that instigate this disempowerment?
Our beliefs and values regarding various professions, social positions, or circumstances can heavily influence our perceptions and judgments. Through this exercise, we realize that it is not the word itself that holds power but the meanings and associations we assign to it based on our personal beliefs.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing) teaches us that our reactions to language offer valuable insights into our internal belief systems. Our bodies and emotions serve as a feedback loop, providing cues about what we truly believe and value in the world. By becoming attuned to these signals, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.
As we navigate through life, it is essential to pay attention to the subtle cues our bodies and emotions offer when confronted with certain words or ideas. These reactions can serve as guideposts, revealing the underlying beliefs that shape our perceptions and influence our actions.
The power of language cannot be underestimated. Our reactions to words expose the beliefs we hold within us, shedding light on our subconscious programming. The NLP presupposition that we all possess the resources we need encourages us to explore our internal worlds, seeking a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
In the case of using the word "client," it is crucial to recognize that it is not inherently disempowering. It is our beliefs and judgments surrounding the specific services being accessed that can influence our perception. By cultivating awareness of our reactions, we open ourselves up to personal growth and transformation, aligning our beliefs with our desired outcomes.
It is our life’s work to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the power of language to uncover our beliefs, challenge our assumptions, and create a more empowering and inclusive world for all.
An exploration of language and our response to it is one of the many conversations we have in our 14 week Becoming Your Life's Work program. This program uses Julia Cameron's The Artist Way as the foundation to spark these conversations and will leave you feeling heard, seen and believed. I hope we get to see you there soon.