Last week, I was working with a client who had several professional alternatives to explore. They were torn between taking an enhanced position at their present workplace, where they had worked for several years, going to university to pursue their dream career, or moving to a new job that was offering more hours.
As a result of the pandemic, they had been living on a drastically reduced salary for more than eighteen months. Eighteen months of deciding between meals and having enough money to get to work. Of having difficulty balancing utility bills and keeping track of their utility usage. Of never being able to make spontaneous social decisions and living with the effects of the resulting isolation.
My client had come from a family background of not much money and pre-pandemic had created an adequately successful and age-appropriate career that included full time employment. They were keenly aware of the limitations that not having enough money had on a person’s life and had done well to create a good income for themselves as a young adult.
We talked about how living in poverty for a long time had affected their peripheral vision. Living with so few choices had made it difficult to see and recognise the possibilities in their life. It really is tough to notice and recognise the potential in our lives when we currently have so few options. My client noted that it had become increasingly difficult to trust their own ability to make the decisions that will expand their options.
We can generate the opportunity to see beyond our own limitations by having a chat with an experienced mentor or trusted counsel. Without the help of a great team, no one can truly attain success. Family, support workers, mentors, peers, colleagues, or spiritual leaders may be part of that team.
If you study the stories of successful business people, athletes, or social celebrities, you'll notice that they consistently attribute their success to the team they surrounded themselves with. Modelling is the foundation of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). We look for persons who have the life or attributes we want to have and model our behaviours and thinking after them.
It stands to reason that if you put together a team of people who can teach you how to have a great career, you'll be more successful. Your employment services mentor, a coach, your health care team, support worker, family, and people in the industry you want to work in may all be on your team.
These individuals will help you uncover your goals, outline the steps to achieve them, help you bridge any skills gaps, teach you to manage your mindset and energy, develop strategies to cope with challenges and cheer you on endlessly on your way to your success. And they will learn from you; there is no such thing as a one-way relationship.
My client made the choice that was right for them. One that would provide them with the opportunity to live securely while they explored the path that leads to their real dream. I am very much looking forward to watching their success unfold over the next few years.